10 Totally Unexpected Uses for a Backyard Shed
With little more than a designated zone, a high-definition projector, and an ample screen, you can bring the cinema experience home so fast that you'll be able to catch the best of the summer blockbusters in the comfort of your backyard. To calculate how big your theater can be, use the Size Selector at LPShed.com. You'll need to run a line from your home’s circuit breaker (110-volt power should suffice), and be sure to trick out the interior with velvet drapes and plush seating for all-out ambience. If you’re feeling less ambitious, simply transform your shed into a concession stand and show films alfresco!
Original Article Source Credits: Bob Vila , https://www.bobvila.com/
Article Written By: Oliver Harriett
Original Article Posted on: NA
Link to Original Article: https://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/10-totally-unexpected-uses-for-a-backyard-shed-51145