How to Prep Your Shed Site

Author: Morinville Colony Sheds And Garages | | Categories: Shed Builder , Shed Purchase , Sheds for Sale

Blog by Morinville Colony Sheds And Garages

Have you recently purchased a shed and are wondering how to get it set up? Sheds can provide much-needed storage space, but the setup process can be intimidating. Fortunately, the process of getting your shed ready for delivery is not as complicated as it may seem.

We at Morinville Colony Sheds And Garages want to help you ensure you have everything ready before you get your shed. This is why we have written down the information you need to know about preparing for your new shed.

1. Pick a spot and measure the space

The first step in preparing for your shed is figuring out where it should go in your yard. Once you have decided on the spot, measure the area so you know how big the shed can be. This will help ensure that the shed fits into its designated space perfectly.

2. Level out the area

Once you have chosen where the shed will go, it’s important to make sure that the spot is level so that it can support the weight of the shed without any issues. If necessary, use gravel or dirt to level out the area before installing your shed. This extra effort can save you from potential problems down the line.

3. Install the shed

Now that your area is prepared, it’s time for us to deliver and install your new shed! We have crews that specialize in placing sheds on different types of surfaces, including grass, dirt, gravel, sand, and more, so you can be sure that we will get it done quickly and correctly without damaging any existing landscaping features. Plus, we will make sure everything is 100% level before leaving, so you don’t have to worry about anything being off balance once we’re gone!

4. Enjoy your new shed

We will deliver the shed directly to its designated spot and level it out upon arrival if needed. Our knowledgeable team makes sure everything is placed properly so that you don’t have to worry about any issues in the future. After your shed has been installed, all that’s left is to enjoy it! Have fun putting items inside and making sure everything looks just right. And if there are ever any issues or questions along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out. We stand behind our work and are always here to help if needed.

If you are looking for a custom portable shed and garage manufacturer in Sturgeon County, Alberta, then reach out to us at Morinville Colony Sheds and Garages. We have a unique ability to manufacture custom portable sheds and garages that fit any specific need. All portable sheds and garages are built with high-grade, long-lasting materials and can be suited to match any color, building, or material.

Buildings are built inside our shop and delivered all over Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan. We do not build onsite. Additionally, based on your requirements, we can match all colors, materials, gauges, and profiles to your existing buildings. Our trained salesperson will do onsite visits to ensure the accuracy of all materials and colors. Our portable sheds, portable three-season cabins, and portable garages are available to clients across Fort McMurray, Edson, Hinton, Cold Lake, Saint Paul, Bonnyville, Glendon, Sturgeon County, Edmonton, Jasper, Boyle, Peace River, Grande Prairie, Rocky Mountain House and the surrounding areas.

Get in touch with us today!

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